This is the foundational block for our wedding videography services. Upgrades and package add-ons can be selected as add-ons below the booking form.
Find more informations on the add-ons here!
The Base Package includes:
• Includes getting ready, first looks, ceremony, reception
Our wedding videography package is crafted with utmost care ensuring that every intricate detail is captured expertly. We combine artistry & creativity into our signature style to create an experience that truly reflects the essence of your special day.
At Refract Photography, we focus on building personal connections with each client, making the process fun and collaborative as we bring your vision to life. Our goal is to capture moments that will one day take you back in time, evoking the nostalgic feeling of looking at a photo and reliving the memories tied to it. We believe photos are more than just images; they’re precious memories that grow more valuable over time. Refract Photography is dedicated to preserving those moments and creating something that you can cherish forever.
Let’s make some memories together — we can’t wait to work with you soon!